Interesting Articles I Have Read Last Week

I read interesting articles on modeling, numerical simulation and control of chemical processes recently . The first one has been published in Journal of Fuel on 2010 entitled “A comprehensive mathematical model for biomass gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor”. The detailed process modeling approach and modeling structure (dividing the main model into three sub-models) is very interesting and creative. CFD modeling of a liquid-solid fluidized bed reactor has been published on 2007 in Chemical Engineering Science. Modeling parameters such as mesh, time step and convergence criteria have been selected wisely. A comprehensive review on fuel cell modeling, simulation and control has been represented on “Mathematical Modeling, Steady-State and Dynamic Behavior, and Control of Fuel Cells: A Reviewpublished on Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. As I didn’t have any experience in modeling, simulation and control of fuel cell systems, I found this article very attractive. At the end of the paper, in view of the current status of the research activities, topics that require further research studies are discussed that can be really useful for graduate students as well. The last paper I have read is Caustic Dilution Control: An Industrial Applicationpublished on Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems. The hybrid advanced control structure of adaptive inferential PID and optimal average level control strategy is very creative.


  1. Its better to follow you in reading the articles instead of finding the useful one!

  2. I will select the bests for you Hamed :)
